Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Giorgos Gerapetritis for Antipollution Egypt

August 10, 2023

In a recent interview conducted on August 3rd, 2023 by journalist Passant Akram from Al Qaheera TV, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Giorgos Gerapetritis highlighted the substantial growth in trade exchange between Greece and Egypt in recent times. The Minister expressed the Greek government’s strong commitment to further enhancing this economic cooperation and fostering partnerships between the two nations.

Minister Gerapetritis revealed that the bilateral trade volume between Greece and Egypt has surged past an impressive $2 billion annually. He emphasized that this robust trade relationship is reflective of the shared commitment to strengthening ties and capitalizing on the economic potential that both countries offer.

One particularly noteworthy aspect of the interview was the mention of significant projects spearheaded by Greek entrepreneurs within Egypt. The Minister highlighted a remarkable investment (Antipollution Egypt) by a Greek Group (V Group of Companies) in the Suez Canal region. This particular project (Antipollution Egypt) has a pivotal focus on waste management, showcasing the innovative and environmentally conscious approach that Greek businesses are bringing to the collaboration.

Overall, the interview underscored the Greek government’s vision for deeper economic engagement and partnership with Egypt. The mention of the substantial trade volume and the remarkable investment project in the Suez Canal region highlighted the tangible efforts and positive impact that Greece is contributing to this burgeoning relationship. As both nations continue to strengthen their economic and diplomatic bonds, it is evident that this collaboration holds great promise for the future.