Category: General

Antipollution supports BLUE HORIZONS initiative
The Maritime Club of Greece, in the context of its goals for the development of the national maritime spirit, the promotion of faith in the sea as an element of life and progress, joined forces with the Hellenic Association for the Protection of the Marine Environment (HELMEPA) and the PROPELLER CLUB (Port of Piraeus), co-organizing...
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Antipollution Sponsors “Blue Economy in mid-2020s: from Resilience to Growth”
The Cymothoe Initiative organized a highly successful conference on "Blue Economy in mid-2020s: from Resilience to Growth" at the Hellas Liberty Floating Museum in Piraeus on April 7, 2023. The event was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Development & Investment, Ministry of Shipping & Island Policy, the Municipality of Piraeus, the Hellenic...
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Antipollution participates in 3rd Scientific Conference at Elefsina port
Antipollution and Mr. Giannis Alvertos as Head of Emergency division of the company participated in the 3rd Scientific Conference on "Management, Organization and Development of Ports" The Conference was held in a hybrid format with the physical presence of the speakers and with the possibility of remote online monitoring at the link available on the...
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Antipollution meets with Alexandria Port Authority
Alexandria Maritime Port occupies the leading position in the ports of the Arab Republic of Egypt with regard to the volume of trade movement, through which about 60% of Egypt’s foreign trade is traded. Alexandria is located on the western edge of the Nile between the Mediterranean Sea and Lake Mariout. Alexandria is the second most...
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Antipollution for USS George W.Bush
Antipollution is honored to have provided its services to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George HW. Bush of the US Navy, following the massive military exercise with the Israeli armed forces called " Juniper Oak'. The USS George H.W. Bush, one of the largest in the world, is the tenth and last aircraft carrier of...
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Antipollution joins the HELMEPA Board of Directors
The elections of the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association HELMEPA, in which Antipollution's Director General, Andreas Giakoumelos, stood as a candidate, were successfully held. Following a members’ vote, Andreas Giakoumelos was elected to the Board of Directors for the current year and took up his duties immediately. Antipollution, with more than 70 years of experience...
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Antipollution took over the solid waste reception services at the Port of Heraklion
The Management of the Agency has successfully maintained the uninterrupted provision of services to serve all ships in the port and to protect the environment. The experience that Antipollution employs ensures the quality of the services provided. With forsight and professionalism, the Heraklion Port Authority (OLI) tackled the sensitive issue of the reception and management...
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